Sesshoumaru: Biography

Sesshoumaru is the youkai son of the powerful Inu no Taisho. Since Inu no Taisho is considered to be a daiyoukai (great youkai), Sesshoumaru is a daiyoukai himself. He is mostly a calm and collected person who hardly shows any emotions and rarely laughs. He rarely smiles, and when he does, it’s usually not a good thing; as once Jaken begged Sesshoumaru to beat him rather than to smile because it was Sesshoumaru’s smile that he feared most. Sesshoumaru believes that struggle is the only way for survival and mostly throughout the series shows his contempt for Inuyasha, his half brother.

Sesshoumaru’s mother has been introduced in chapter #466 of the manga. She knows how to increase the power of the Tenseiga. She wears around her neck the Meidou-Seki that was given to her by Inu no Taisho. She uses it to summon a Hellhound that grabs Rin and Kohaku and jumps in the Meidou crescent that Sesshoumaru created with Tenseiga. He follows after and kills it, freeing Rin and Kohaku. The three of them continue into Hell, however, soon Kohaku and Sesshoumaru realize Rin is dead and can’t be revived. Her body is stolen by the Master of Hell, whom Sesshoumaru later defeats along with purifying the dead in Hell. Back in his mother’s palace, Sesshoumaru is lectured by his mother for the need to have a compassionate heart. She revives Rin with the Meidou-Seki but warns Rin can never be revived again with the Tenseiga since it can only revive a person once. She warns Kohaku he too can’t be revived by the Tenseiga.

With the ambition to walk the path of conquest, he desires to become stronger, even at the expense of others. He will not, however, use the shards of the Jewel of the Four Souls to gain strength, which separates him from other youkai questing for power. Though some think it’s for his lust for pure power, others think it is created to accompany his original grace. The Shikon Jewel increases the user’s power while swords like the Tessaiga (Steel-Cleaving Fang), the Tenseiga, and the Tokijin attack the opponent using the youki (youkai ki) of the person wielding them. Sesshoumaru wants to become strong by using his own strength and would never borrow power from another source. Althought there is one case where he uses a shikon shard given to him by Naraku to help in the use of a human arm; which he uses in a battle against Inuyasha. He discards it shortly afterwards, along with the arm.

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