Welcome to the Mordin Solus fanlisting!

Hello and welcome to "Had to be me.", the The Fanlistings Network listed fanlisting for the video game character Mordin Solus. Mordin is a salarian scientist who appears in Mass Effect 2 and Mass Effect 3.

This fanlisting is owned by Nathalie and part of Glitterskies.org.

Update: 15th January 2025

We are now listing 5 approved fans from 3 different countries, with also 0 fans waiting to be added to the listing. Welcome to our newest member(s), Marty.

This fanlisting was opened on 06th August 2021 and is listed at The Fanlistings Network in the Games: Game Characters category.

"Shepard, please. Need to do this. My project. My work. My cure. My responsibility."