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Darkpristess9990 from United States

Darkpristess9990 prefers playing as a vampire.
He/She likes using Undecided the most.
His/Her favorite city in the game is Undecided.

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DasteRoad from Italy

DasteRoad prefers playing as a Toreador vampire.
He/She likes using Presence the most.
His/Her favorite city in the game is Undecided.

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Dave from United States

Dave prefers playing as a Malkavian vampire.
He/She likes using Obfuscate the most.
His/Her favorite city in the game is Santa Monica.

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Deborah from United States

Deborah prefers playing as a Undecided vampire.
He/She likes using Undecided the most.
His/Her favorite city in the game is Undecided.

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Deejai from United States

Deejai prefers playing as a Gangrel vampire.
He/She likes using Animalism the most.
His/Her favorite city in the game is Undecided.

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Deerstop from Russia

Deerstop prefers playing as a Gangrel vampire.
He/She likes using Animalism the most.
His/Her favorite city in the game is Santa Monica.

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Delienciel from Chile

Delienciel prefers playing as a Malkavian vampire.
He/She likes using Dementation the most.
His/Her favorite city in the game is Downtown.

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DenisKane from Romania

DenisKane prefers playing as a Malkavian vampire.
He/She likes using Dominate the most.
His/Her favorite city in the game is Hollywood.

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Dominions from Canada

Dominions prefers playing as a Malkavian vampire.
He/She likes using Obfuscate the most.
His/Her favorite city in the game is Undecided.

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Draven from United States

Draven prefers playing as a Ventrue vampire.
He/She likes using Dominate the most.
His/Her favorite city in the game is Santa Monica.

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Duffadash from Denmark

Duffadash prefers playing as a Malkavian vampire.
He/She likes using Dementation the most.
His/Her favorite city in the game is Undecided.

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Elfheart from United States

Elfheart prefers playing as a Brujah vampire.
He/She likes using Potence the most.
His/Her favorite city in the game is Santa Monica.

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Elisabeth from Vietnam

Elisabeth prefers playing as a Toreador vampire.
He/She likes using Potence the most.
His/Her favorite city in the game is Undecided.

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Ellie from Macedonia

Ellie prefers playing as a Gangrel vampire.
He/She likes using Undecided the most.
His/Her favorite city in the game is Undecided.

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Enkael from United States

Enkael prefers playing as a Malkavian vampire.
He/She likes using Undecided the most.
His/Her favorite city in the game is Downtown.

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Ennazus from Australia

Ennazus prefers playing as a Undecided vampire.
He/She likes using Undecided the most.
His/Her favorite city in the game is Undecided.

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Erin from Finland

Erin prefers playing as a Malkavian vampire.
He/She likes using Protean the most.
His/Her favorite city in the game is Chinatown.

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Erkki from Estonia

Erkki prefers playing as a Malkavian vampire.
He/She likes using Fortitude the most.
His/Her favorite city in the game is Santa Monica.

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Felipe from United States

Felipe prefers playing as a Gangrel vampire.
He/She likes using Protean the most.
His/Her favorite city in the game is Santa Monica.

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Fractalus from England

Fractalus prefers playing as a Tremere vampire.
He/She likes using Auspex the most.
His/Her favorite city in the game is Santa Monica.

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Franka from Croatia

Franka prefers playing as a Malkavian vampire.
He/She likes using Dementation the most.
His/Her favorite city in the game is Undecided.

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Furgy from Australia

Furgy prefers playing as a Malkavian vampire.
He/She likes using Obfuscate the most.
His/Her favorite city in the game is Chinatown.

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Gabrielle from Guinea

Gabrielle prefers playing as a Tremere vampire.
He/She likes using Thaumaturgy the most.
His/Her favorite city in the game is Santa Monica.

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Gage from United States

Gage prefers playing as a Malkavian vampire.
He/She likes using Obfuscate the most.
His/Her favorite city in the game is Hollywood.

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George from Greece

George prefers playing as a Malkavian vampire.
He/She likes using Obfuscate the most.
His/Her favorite city in the game is Chinatown.

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