Welcome to the Mass Effect 2 fanlisting!
Hello and welcome to Lazarus, the The Fanlistings Network listed fanlisting for Mass Effect 2. This fanlisting is owned by Nathalie and part of Glitterskies.org.
Mass Effect 2 is a critically acclaimed action role-playing game developed by BioWare and released in 2010. It is the second installment in the Mass Effect trilogy and follows the story of Commander Shepard as they recruit a team of elite operatives to fight against a new threat to the galaxy. The game features engaging storytelling, complex characters, and thrilling gameplay mechanics that have made it a fan favorite.
Fanlisting update: 11th March 2025
We are now listing 12 approved fans from 5 different countries, with also 0 fans waiting to be added to the listing. Welcome to our newest member(s), Enfys.
This fanlisting was opened on 18th August 2021 and is listed at The Fanlistings Network in the Games category.
What is a fanlisting?
A fanlisting is simply an online listing of fans of a subject, such as a TV show, actor, or musician, that is created by an individual and open for fans from around the world to join. There are no costs, and the only requirements to join are your name and country.